【简答题】Have you ever heard anyone say “It’s raining cats and dogs”? It means “It’s raining hard!” But sometimes cats and dogs do drop from the sky! Here’s how it happens. Not so long ago, a country far away ...
【单选题】女,15岁,秋游后低热、乏力、咳嗽、少量粘痰2周。胸片示两下肺网状及按小叶分布的斑片状浸润阴影,血白细胞9.8×10 9 /L。为进一步明确诊断应首选()
【单选题】女,15岁,秋游后低热、乏力、咳嗽、少量粘痰2周。胸片示两下肺网状及按小叶分布的斑片状浸润阴影。血白细胞9.8×10 9 /L 。最可能的诊断是:
【单选题】They were caught in the forest, and ______ made matter worse was that it kept raining cats and dogs.
【简答题】Put a proper word on each blank. Outside it was ___- ___and it was raining cats and dogs. 译:外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。
【单选题】女,15岁,秋游后低热、乏力、咳嗽、少量粘痰2周。胸片示两下肺网状及按小叶分布的斑片状浸润阴影。血白细胞9.8×10 9 /L 。 为进一步明确诊断应首选: