【单选题】以下哪一种方法是减少差错的最根本方法( )
【判断题】He majored in history in college,but he turned out to be a salesman after graduation.
【简答题】青岛啤酒的“锐意进取,奉献社会” 青岛啤酒股份有限公司的前身是国营青岛啤酒厂,1903年由英、德两国商人合资开办,当时名为“日尔曼啤酒股份公司青岛公司”,是我国最早的啤酒生产企业。其生产设备、原材料都是从德国进口,该厂产品1906年即在慕尼黑国际博览会上获得金奖。现在的青岛啤酒选用优质大麦、大米、上等啤酒花和软硬适度、洁净甘美的崂山矿泉水为原料酿制而成。原麦汁浓度为12度,酒精含量35%~4%。...
【简答题】He majored in computer when he was in college. After graduation, he became a computer ____.
【单选题】10 A) He applies for this job to earn more money B) He majored in computer in the univesity C) He knows little about computer D) He has just graduated from a university
【单选题】He majored in ____ literature in college, but he turned out to be a salesman after graduation.
【简答题】It is well-known that Jiang was born on August 17, 1926, in the city Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province. He studied at ( ), where he majored in electrical engineering, and graduated in 1947.
【单选题】He majored in ________ when he studied in university.
muscle n. 肌肉; 力量; 权威,权力;
ranking n. 社会地位,社会阶层;adj. 头等的; 高级的;
peacemaker n. 调解人,调停人;
philosophy n. 哲学; 哲理; 哲学体系,哲学思想;