【判断题】The word “day” would be pronounced as /daɪ/ in Singaporean English.
【单选题】一旦数名武装海盗已经上船,船员 ____ 。①不要直接与持枪海盗抗衡;②应迅速撤离甲板进入生括区;③封闭所有通道,④尽量拖延时间,以待外部的可能救援。
【单选题】Replace the underlined part with another word or phrase without changing the basic meaning of the sentence . On the first day of class, after explaining what the course would be like, the professor ad...
【单选题】Choose the suitable definition for the underlined word in each sentence. There’s just a faint chance that the weather will improve by tomorrow. I would rather wait until a nice day.
difficult to see, hear, smell, etc.
(of possibility) very small or slight
【单选题】He made a promise that he would ________ us with dinner the next day, but he broke his word. [ ]