【单选题】如果 -3 x+5 是二次根式,则x的取值范围是( )
【简答题】代数式2x﹣3小于5且大于或等于﹣3,则x的取值范围是( ).
【简答题】关于抗利尿激素,下述哪项是错误的( )CA. 由神经垂体释放 B. 使远曲小管和集合管上皮细胞对水的通透性加大 C. 血浆胶体渗透压升高,刺激渗透压感受器增加分泌 D. 大静脉和心房扩张时,抗利尿激素分泌减少 E. .水的重吸收在下述哪个部位接受ADH调节( )D F. 近球细胞 B.髓袢降支 G. 髓袢升支 D.远曲小管和集合管 H. .肾糖阈的正常值为( ...
【简答题】Now we are wondering about what people who actually live in Shanghai and Beijing think are the best places to eat?
【单选题】Now we are about what people who actually live in Shanghai and Beijing think are the best places to eat?
【单选题】y=x 2 +(1-a)x+1是关于x的二次函数,当x的取值范围是1≤x≤3时,y在x=1时取得最大值,则实数a的取值范围是 [ ]
【简答题】are what people who share a culture regard strongly as good or bad.
【单选题】按调味的工艺划分,大致可划分出其不意2种调味方法,但是( )不属于其中之一。