【简答题】Experts believe both IQ and EQ are of (important)__________for a child .
【简答题】Every year mobile phones develop. Imagining what they will look like and be able to do in 2020 is really a challenge. To help, experts have outlined three major mobile trends that they believe will ha...
【多选题】your's book is very beautiful.
【简答题】阅读下列材料,回答问题。 某小学青年教师薛某因学校未分给其新住房以及在同年的职称评定中没能晋升小学一级教师,思想上想不通,觉得自己受到排挤,于是向学校提出了请调报告,要求立即调走。当时学校正值学期中间,工作非常紧张,并且薛某担任的课程还未结束,其与学校签订的聘任合同也还未到期。因而,经研究,学校决定暂不考虑薛某的调动问题,并派人做他的思想工作,劝其认真考虑,最好还是能继续留校任教。薛某却认为学校这...
【简答题】Both experts and students believe that the gap year experience will make a difference on students.