【单选题】Answer the questions about the words. 2 In an atmosphere of political radicalism, will students be (a) active, or (b) not very active?
【单选题】Jane is ____ girl, she often takes ____ part in the school's activities. [ ]
【单选题】A knowledge of the composition of the weed community ______.
is essential to the efficient control of weeds
may lead us to be aware of the fact that the soil contains enormous quantities of seeds of numerous species
helps us to have a good idea of why seeds can lie dormant for years
provides us with the means to identify weeds at the seedling stage
【简答题】病人朱某,因破伤风入院,患者神志清楚,全身肌肉阵发性痉挛,抽搐。下列病室环境条件中,哪项不符合病情要求( )
【单选题】在WINDOWS 7中所有输入法之间切换,应使用( )
【单选题】The ratio of the work done by the machine ______the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.