【判断题】According to the British Law, to break a condition will amount to breach of contract. ( )
【单选题】( )是教育法律关系主体因违反教育法规,破坏平等主体之间正常的财产关系或人身关系,依照法律规定应承担的民事法律责任。
【简答题】The proper law of the contract
【简答题】In relation to the Labour Contract Law of China: (a) explain the circumstances that make a labour contract invalid or partially invalid in the process of concluding it; (3 marks) (b) explain the provi...
【简答题】In relation to the Contract Law of China: (a) explain what is ‘a contract by unauthorised agent’; (3 marks) (b) state the legal effect of a contract by unauthorised agent; (3 marks) (c) state what mea...
【单选题】病人,女,20岁,未婚,主诉经期腹痛剧烈,需服镇痛药并卧床休息。平时月经周期规律,基础体温呈双相。肛门检查:子宫呈前倾前屈位,大小、硬度正常,无压痛,两侧附件(-),阴道分泌物白色。该病人最可能的诊断是( )
【判断题】According to the British Law, to break a condition will not amount to breach of contract.