【简答题】It is widely known that languages change over the years, and therefore is not easy to estimate how many languages are currently spoken in the world: the figure commonly known is about 5,000. Most lang...
【单选题】It is not known for sure whether the oil in this area can be _____.
【判断题】判断 (2分) 社会现象是复杂的,因此解释社会现象的逻辑通常也是复杂的。
【判断题】采用双机抬吊时,宜选用相同类型或性能相近的起重机,负载分配应合理, 单台载荷不得超过额定载重量的 80% 。
【单选题】采用双机抬吊时,宜选用同类型或性能相近的起重机,负载分配应合理,单机载荷不得超过额定起重量的( )%。
【单选题】It is not yet known how these huge stones were conveyed a distance of 380 kilometres 3 000 years ago.