【简答题】明十三陵中有几座陵寝修建了神功圣德碑?矗立神功圣德碑的主要用途是什么? 其中长陵的神功圣德碑立于何处?正面的碑文是谁撰写的?背面的诗作《哀明陵三十韵》是谁撰写的?
【判断题】In TBL, four skills are naturally integrated, which is different from PPP that only provides a framework for grammar and form-focused practice and needs to be supplemented by listening and reading les...
【判断题】In TBL, four skills are naturally integrated, which is different from PPP that only provides a framework for grammar and form-focused practice and needs to be supplemented by listening and reading les...