V. Phrase Translation 1. to get hooked on computer games ____________________________________ 2. a package of filtered cigarettes ____________________________________ 3. be grateful to our parents for bringing us up _____________________________ 4. harden one ’ s heart to death ________________________________ 5. be starved of food and water _______________________________ 6. 苗条的 身材; 微薄的 收入; 渺茫的 希望 ________________________________ 7. 一束 花 / 一捆 报纸 / 一串 葡萄 _______________________________________ 8. 为自己的失败而 哭泣 __________________________________________ 9. 收留无家可归的妇女的 收容所 ;公共汽车 候车亭 ________________________ 10. 吞 下有 毒 食品;村庄被洪水 吞没 了 ___________________________________