【判断题】由于在不同时间、不同港口将不同货物装在同一航次同一条船上,故应算作分批装运。 ( )
【单选题】下面的选项哪个是正确的 设 是区间 上的连续函数,则在开区间 内 必有( )
【多选题】Which TWO of the following statements about compulsory liquidation are correct?
A company must be subject to compulsory liquidation if creditors prove to the court that it is unable to pay the debts when they fall due
It shall trigger the crystallisation of floating charges
Only secured creditors rather than unsecured creditors can petition to the court for compulsory liquidation
It shall commence when the pertinent petition was first presented
【单选题】设 在区间 上连续,则函数 在区间 上是 ( )
【单选题】to go into liquidation ______
【判断题】标签 只能 为 标签 定义标注(标记) 。