【单选题】根据《团章》的有关规定和团组织通常的做法, 是发展团员必须履行的第一项手续。
【简答题】下面选项中那个不属于十四个坚持() A坚持党对一切工作的领导 B坚持以人为本 C坚持全面深化改革 D坚持新发展理念
【简答题】Read the book chapter attached below and titled "Metaphor and Mills: Figurative language in business and economics. Introduction", and discuss about how metaphors function as both communcative tools a...
【多选题】What are two types of figurative language?
【简答题】下面选项中那个不属于十四个坚持() A坚持全面依法治国 B坚持发展才是硬道理 C坚持全面深化改革 D坚持在发展中保障和改善民生
【单选题】A speech void of figurative language is
【多选题】What are the purposes of using figurative language?