【简答题】~ This is Ms Liu. She is from China. ~
______________.A. I
know China . B. Are you Chinese
? C. Glad to meet you, Ms Liu.
【简答题】短文改错。 Hong Kong is the name of a island of China. Many years ago the island of Hong Kong was belonged to China. It had a good port. Ship often stopped there. Most of the ships came to Britain. They ca...
【单选题】~ This is Ms Liu. She is from China. ~ ______________.
Glad to meet you, Ms Liu.
【单选题】在确定铣刀角度时,需要有两个作为角度测量基准的坐标平面,即( )。
【多选题】本年度实现利润 1000000元, 按 25% 的所得税计算并结转本期应交所得税 。 (假设本期无纳税调整项目)。 作会计分录。
{ 本年度应交所得税额 =1000000*25%=250000 元 }
{ 计提所得税的处理: 借:所得税费用 250000 贷:应交税费 ——应交所得税 250000 }
{ 结转所得税的处理: 借:所得税费用 250000 贷:本年利润 250000}
{ 结转所得税的处理: 借:本年利润 250000 贷:所得税费用 250000 }
【多选题】李某为某公司员工,个人从公司取得的下列福利属于“工资、薪金所得”的有( )。