【简答题】(10-9)请根据提示补全程序空白处,使程序完成预定任务。 // 实现克隆接口 public class Employee 1 { private String name ; private int age ; public Employee(String name , int age ) { this . name = name ; this . age = age ; } public Str...
【简答题】(1-3)请根据提示补全程序空白处,使程序能够正确运行。 class Any { void show() { } } class Animal { private String name ; private double weight ; public Animal(String name , double weight ) { this . name = name ; this . weigh...
【多选题】关于合缉翻驳领的领里、领面,下列说法不正确的是( )。
【单选题】What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years?
They may have been caused by the damage to the radio systems.
They may have taken place during take-off and landing.
They were proved to have been caused by the passengers' portable computers.
They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interferenc