【单选题】The second messenger that activates PDK is? ( )
【单选题】在检修磁电式曲轴位置传感器时,甲技师说,其信号电压可用万用表直流电压档测试;乙技师则说,应该用交流电压档测试。请问谁的说法正确。( )
【单选题】Which molecule does not belong to the second messenger? .
【单选题】Which substances does NOT belong to the second messenger is( )
Inositol triphosphate (IP3)
【单选题】Calmodulin is found in target cells in which the second messenger is
【简答题】找规律计算. 18×12=216 101×16=1616 12×8=96 18×24= 202×16= 12×16= 18×36= 303×16= 12×24= 18×48= 404×16= 12×160= 18×60= 505×16= 12×240=