Exercise 1 ( 完成句子 ) 1.May I take a ____? 要我带个口信吗 ? 2.I'll ____ back. 我会再打过来的。 3.Don't ____up please. 请别挂断 4.It’s urgent . Could I have her ____number? 我有急事,可不可以告诉我她的手机号码? 5. I'd better get ____the phone. 得挂电话了。 6.Hello, This is John ____, 喂 , 我是约翰 , 7.I'm sorry, but he's ____ now. 抱歉,他现在不在。 8. When will he come____? 他什么时候回来? 9. Who is ____speaking? 请问您是谁 ? 10.hold the ____ please. 请稍等。