【多选题】The exhibit below presents the 1997 balance of payments statistics for France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. EXHIBIT : 1997 Balance of Payments of Five Major Countries Bil...
Since imports are greater than exports, the United Kingdom suffers from a negative trade balance at - $21 billion. This figure is somewhat offset by a $15 billion excess of exported services over imported services. Nonetheless, the balance of goods and services is negative at - $6 billion.
Net income received is positive and it overshadows a negative amount of unrequited transfers (current transfers).
The balance of all current transactions with foreigners is therefore positive at $7 billion.
Both direct investments and portfolio investments are negative. Adjusted for net errors and omissions, the capital and financial account remains negative at - $11 billion.
The balance of the current account and the capital and financial account causes a decrease in official reserves by - $4 billion, which shows as a negative official reserve account.
【多选题】The exhibit below presents the 1997 balance of payments statistics for France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. EXHIBIT : 1997 Balance of Payments of Five Major Countries Bil...
At $284 billion, French exports of goods exceed imports by $28 billion.
Direct investment is - $12 billion, showing that the amount of direct purchases of companies or real estate made by foreigners in France is inferior to the amount of direct purchases made by residents abroad.
Adjusted for net errors and omissions, the capital and financial account remains negative at - $33 billion, reflecting the fact that French residents have invested more capital abroad than have been invested by foreigners in France.
The balance of the current account and the capital and financial account causes an increase in official reserves by $6 billion, which shows as a positive official reserve account.
Exports of services also exceed imports, by $17 billion.
【简答题】三、(本题22分) 案情:信用卡在现代社会的运用越来越广泛。设甲为信用卡的持卡人,乙为发出信用卡的银行,丙为接受银行信用卡消费的百货公司。甲可以凭信用卡到丙处持卡消费,但应于下个月的15日前将其消费的款项支付给乙;丙应当接受甲的持卡消费,并于每月的20日请求乙支付甲消费的款项,丙不得请求甲支付其消费的款项。 2012年3月,甲消费了5万元,无力向乙还款。甲与乙达成协议,约定3个月内还款,甲将其1间...
【单选题】回答题: Facts about Stroke 1Every 45 seconds, someone in America has a stroke. Every 3.1 minutes, someone dies of one. Stroke killed an estimated 167,661 people in 2000 and is the nation&39;s third leadi...
Annual cost of stroke in the US
Definition and description of a stroke
Breakthroughs in treatment
Risk factors of stroke
Warnin~ signs of a stroke
【判断题】必须从总体中抽出多个样本进行测量,才能获得平均值的标准偏差。该表述A. 对 B. 错
【单选题】现代社会日益复杂,组织的决策越来越难以依靠个人的力量实现,因此现代决策应该更多地运用集体智慧。 ( )