【简答题】小红和小丽对问题“若方程组 a 1 x+ b 1 y= c 1 a 2 x+ b 2 y= c 2 的解是 x=3 y=-4 ,求方程组 3 a 1 x+2 b 1 y=5 c 1 3 a 2 x+2 b x y=5 c 2 的解”提出各自的想法.小红说:“这个题目好象条件不够,不能求解”;小丽说:“能不能把第二个方程组的两个方程的两边都除以5,通过整体代换的方法来解决”.参考他们的讨论,你认为这...
【简答题】I have a friend who lives by a three-word philosophy: Seize the moment. Just possibly, she may be the wisest woman on this planet. Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because t...
【简答题】I have a friend who had financial problems and needed my help occasionally. He was in his final year in University while I was in my third year. He needed some money for school fees and other academic...
【简答题】I have a friend who had a stammer (口吃) in his childhood, but he dreamed of becoming a missionary(传教士). When he told his own desire to his friends and relatives, some of whom laughed at him, and some e...
【单选题】下述程序的输出结果是( )。 #include <stdio.h> int f(n) int n { if(n==0 | | n==1) return 3 return n-f(n-2) } void main() {printf('/n%d',f(10)) }
【简答题】已知等差数列{a n }为递增数列,满足 a 3 2 =5 a 1 +5 a 5 -25 ,在等比数列{b n }中,b 3 =a 2 +2,b 4 =a 3 +5,b 5 =a 4 +13. (Ⅰ)求数列{b n }的通项公式b n ; (Ⅱ)若数列{b n }的前n项和为S n ,求证:数列{ S n + 5 4 }是等比数列.
【单选题】以下程序运行的结果为( ) int &put(int n); int vals[10]; int error=-1; int main() { put(0)=12; put(9)=21; cout=0 && n<=9 ) { return vals[n]; } else { cout< return error; } }
【单选题】I have a friend who the piano very well.