【单选题】Try to get to know the function of each part. The mirror is ___
the reflective device for the digital single lens camera. It is used to correct the reverse pictures on the focusing screen, so that operator can frame and focus correctly.
used to reflect pictures captured by lens to upper pentaprism. (When the photographer presses the shutter, the mirror will bounce and the shutter curtain will bounce too, so that the inside sensor can sense the light and record the picture.)
equivalent to an ideal film plane. Distance from the mirror to the focusing screen is equal to the distance from the mirror to the film plane.
【简答题】空气压缩机按工作原理不同可分为 式和 式。
【单选题】可用于吗啡类镇痛药成病者戒毒的降压药是( )
【单选题】明星影片公司 1928 年完成影片 ,引发了中国武侠电影的第一波风潮。