【单选题】What is the name of the place?
【单选题】Why does the passage suggest people reserve their place?
In case there is no more seat for late participants.
In order to attract more participants.
To encourage people to discover how useful the conference is.
To avoid disappointment.
【简答题】One company, having moved to a new place, doubled the number of goods sold each quarter for all quarters.
【简答题】二、阅读下面文言文,完成6—10题。( 共 20 分 ) 王玄谟 1 北伐之必败也,弗待沈庆之以老成宿将见而知之也;今从千余岁以下,由其言论风旨而观之,知其未有不败者也。文帝曰:“观玄谟所陈,令人有封狼居胥意。”坐谈而动远略之雄心,不败何待焉? 兵之所取胜者,谋也、勇也,二者尽之矣。以勇,则锋镝雨集车驰骑骤之下,一与一相当,而后勇怯见焉。以言说勇者,气之浮也,侈于口而馁于心,见敌而必奔矣。 若谋,...
【简答题】What is a secondary goal of the book? To place emphasis on ______.
【简答题】听力原文:What is the speaker anxious for? What is the speaker anxious for? He is anxious for more ______.
【单选题】“故善动敌者,形之,敌必从之”,此处的“形”的正确解释是什么?( )