【单选题】企业针对潜在顾客的心理进行营销设计,创立产品、品牌或企业在目标顾客心目中的某种形象或个性特征的做法属于( )。
【单选题】听力原文:M: What kind of father am I? My only son almost died, and I didn't even know he was ill. W: Don' t blame yourself. You were too busy to pay attention to him. If his mother was still alive, things...
At the reception desk.
【单选题】I didn't know why he looked angry when I patted him______.
【单选题】企业针对潜在顾客的心理进行营销设计,创立产品、品牌或企业在目标顾客心目中的某种形象或个性特征的做法属于( )
【单选题】1920年8月,中文全译本《共产党宣言》由( )翻译问世,对马克思主义在中国的传播起了极其重要的作用。
【单选题】Reading Task 3 : Understanding the main argument Look at the following sentences and decide which one summarizes the main argument of the text most accurately.
a) Most experts today agree that babies mainly develop as a result of the environment in which they live, and that the type of adult they become is determined by the early training they are given.
b) According to current opinion, a combination of natural development before and afterbirth, and the experiences which infants have, influence their processes of maturation.
c) Today, scientists believe that humans evolve into their final adult form as the result of biological processes which alone determine the development of motor skills and the ability to speak.
d) There have been many debates about the main influences on early human development throughout history, and even now, many scientists are unable to agree about this issue.
【单选题】微分的几何意义是:当 是曲线上点的纵坐标的增量时,其微分