【判断题】Emma celebrates Liv’s engagement and hers by printing the announcement on their hometown newspaper.
【判断题】Emma looks terrible because of Liv’s sabotage.
【判断题】Emma stops Liv to open the Tiffany box because she wants Daniel to see Liv’s excitement.
【单选题】调查报告的撰写在文体上最好用第三人称或非人称代词,行文时应以向读者报告的语气撰写,不要表现出力图说服读者同意某种观点或看法。这主要是体现市场调研报告撰写的( )
【判断题】Emma asks Liv to buy her the new Dolce blouse.
【简答题】How many years have Liv and Emma been good friends?
【简答题】压力容器一般事故是指容器由于受压部件严重损坏____、附件损坏等,被迫停止运行,必须进行修理的事故。 ____
【简答题】Where do Liv and Emma come from?