【多选题】下列选项中,属于“应交税费——应交增值税“下属明细栏目的有( )
【单选题】2-2. 下列选项中,表述正确的有 ( )
“应交税费——应交增值税”明细分类账户 5 月份借方发生额为 5200 元
“应交税费——应交增值税”明细分类账户 5 月份借方发生额为 25200 元 C .“应交税费——应交增值税”明细分类账户 5 月份贷方发生额为 17 050 元 D. “应交税费——应交增值税”明细分类账户 5 月份贷方发生额为 37 050 元
【多选题】一般纳税人(年)下列各项中,属于增值税一般纳税人应在“应交税费”科目下设置的明细科目有( )。
【单选题】Which of the following statements is NOT true when we describe the information in a graph and make some comparison?
Not all the information has to be compared with each other.
We only compare the information which we are very familiar with.
When comparing the information in the graphs, it is not necessary to lay equal emphasis on every change.
The comparison should be supported by concrete and relevant facts or data.
【简答题】铁路调度通信网的网络结构根据铁路运输调度体制分为( )、( )和( )三层。
【简答题】Why does the author make a comparison between a gardener and a well-dressed city mayor? (Para. 3) The author wants to show that the difference between workers and laborers does not lie in the ________...
【简答题】2-3. 下列选项中,表述正确的有 ( ) A. “应交税费”账户 5 月末期末余额为贷方 33 850 元 B .“应交税费”账户 5 月末期末余额为贷方 2 000 元 C. “应交税费一未交增值税” 明细分类账户 5 月末期末余额为贷方 11 850 元 D. 业务 (6) 只涉及“应交税费”账户明细分类账户的内部结转,故只需要编制记账凭证而不需要登记账簿