【单选题】The boss asked h er to ________ of the office for a few days while he was away. A. take in charge B. tak e charge C. take on charge D. get charge
【单选题】The person in charge on the vessel and the person in charge at the facility must hold a meeting before starting the transfer of oil.Who must decide to start the transfer ________.
The person in charge on the vessel
The person in charge at the facility
Both persons in charge
The person in charge of either place that is doing the pumping
【单选题】启动在Windows XP后,出现在屏幕上的整个区域称为 __________。
【单选题】Can you tell me who is _____ this company now? [ ]
【判断题】凡经亚硫酸盐保藏、盐腌、染色及硬化处理的原料,在糖制前均需漂洗或预煮,以除去残留的SO 2 、食盐、染色剂、石灰或明矾,避免对制品外观和风味产生不良影响。
【单选题】The experiment in physics is Prof Strong.__________
【单选题】中国书院肇始于唐朝,兴盛于宋代,经元、明、清至今,始终承载着“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的士人情怀。书院所蕴含的哲学思想、人文精神与教化理念,一直如淙淙流水,滋养文化的血脉,贡献生活的智慧,撑起心灵的绿荫。这说明了( )1优秀的传统文化具有超越时空的文化和艺术价值2书院承载的文化底蕴是“以文化人”的精神瑰宝3书院通过传播教化理念成为文化传播的主要手段4传统文化的具体内涵不变,其基本特征因时而变