【单选题】奶牛,6 岁,体温 39.0°C,食欲减退,心率 98 次/min,呼吸 35 次/min,眼结膜苍白;粪便稀软,呈棕黑色,直肠检查粪便有油腻感;产奶量下降,体重减轻。【假设信息】粪便潜血试验呈阳性,该病最可能的诊断是(2019真题146)
【单选题】奶牛,6 岁,体温 39.0°C,食欲减退,心率98次/min,呼吸35次/min,眼结膜苍白;粪便稀软,呈棕黑色,直肠检查粪便有油腻感;产奶量下降,体重减轻。进一步检查,最可能出现的是(2019真题144)
【简答题】When a woman is in this system that requires her to behave strictly according to what others are doing, she in fact puts herself under the careful examination of other women.
【简答题】Her ______(behave) reflects her indifferent attitude to the new member of staff.
【简答题】The parents asked the girl to her younger brothers behave well at the table.
【单选题】She made her son behave well.
【单选题】奶牛,6 岁,体温 39.0°C,食欲减退,心率 98 次/min,呼吸 35 次/min,眼结膜苍白;粪便稀软,呈棕黑色,直肠检查粪便有油腻感;产奶量下降,体重减轻。适宜的治疗方法是 (2019真题145)
【单选题】奶牛,6 岁,体温 39.0°C,食欲减退,心率 98 次/min,呼吸 35 次/min,眼结膜苍白;粪便稀软,呈棕黑色,直肠检查粪便有油腻感;产奶量下降,体重减轻。【假设信息】粪便潜血试验呈阳性,该病最可能的诊断是