【简答题】The New smart could be very expensive to build. However, they would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.A. Structures
【简答题】郭璞在《尔雅注》中对训诂的解释是“此所以释——通——。” 2、注解古书的工作开始于——,该时期著名的注解家有——、——、——、——等等。 3、在汉代就已经确立的训诂的两种基本体式是——和——。 4、由汉代人著作的通释语义的训诂专著有杨雄的《——》、刘熙的《——》、许慎的《——》。 5、《十三经注疏》中由宋代邢昺作疏的有《——》、《——》、《——》。
【简答题】一、选词填空(请从下列 10 个单词中为下列 8 个小题各选一个单词填空,请注意所选单词要使用正确的形式。) damage deny public inspect actually location structure claim register amount 8. The new smart ______ could...
【简答题】The New smart _________ could be very expensive to build. However, they would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes. (structure)
【简答题】The New smart _________ could be very expensive to build. However, they would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.
【简答题】注解古书的工作开始于 _______ 时代。当时著名的注解家有 _____ 、 ______ 、 ______ 、 ______ 。