【多选题】2016年3月10日,在十二届四次会议青海代表团参加审议并发表重要讲话指出,在生态环境保护建设上,一定要树立大局观、长远观、整体观,坚持保护优先,坚持( )的基本国策,像保护眼睛一样保护生态环境,像对待生命一样对待生态环境,推动形成绿色发展方式和生活方式。
【单选题】按照现行土地利用现状分类,殡葬场所用地属于( )。
【单选题】2016年3月10日,在青海代表团参加审议并发表讲话指出:生态环境没有( ),用之不觉,失之难存。
【简答题】下列选项属于建筑工程项目方案策划阶段中的BIM应用的是()。 A.现状建模 B.成本核算 C.场地分析 D.结构选型 E.总体规划
【简答题】All ________ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A) what is needed B) for our needs C) the thing needed D) that is needed
【单选题】Which of the following, according to the passage, contribute (s) to alcoholism? Ⅰ. the need to reduce tensions and anxieties Ⅱ. the anxieties resulting from guilt feelings about previous drinking bout...
【单选题】All of the following are true except that______.
the shareholders were unaware of the needs of the workers
the old firm owners hand a better understanding of their workers
the limited liability companies were too large to run smoothly
the trade unions seemed to play a positive role