【单选题】内部局域网中,客户机通过代理服务器访问Internet的连接方式如下图所示,在 Windows操作系统中,(63)软件不能提供代理服务器功能。地址为192.168.1.100的客户机配置“TCP/IP网络属性”时,其中“网关”的设置内容应是(64)。该客户机访问Internet时,经由代理服务器后数据包的源地址为(65)。
【单选题】He demanded that effective measures be taken to put an end to cheating in exams.
【单选题】He demanded that the problem ______ at once.
【单选题】内部局域网中,客户机通过代理服务器访问Internet的连接方式如丁图所示,在 Windows操作系统中,以下(53)软件不能提供代理服务器功能。若代理服务器与 ISP采用点到点通信方式,则代理服务器上p地址为220.110.10.1的网卡配置“TCP/IP网络属性”时,其“网关”应设置为(54);IP地址为192.168.0.1的网卡配置“TCP/IP网络属性”时,其“子网掩码”应设置为(55)...
【简答题】He demanded to be told everything.
【单选题】He demanded that the naughty boy referred to just now________right away. [ ]
【简答题】Knowing Jack to be dishonest, I demanded his telling me nothing but the truth. Knowing Jack to be dishonest, I demanded (that) he me nothing but the truth.