【单选题】In an economy, 23 million people are employed and 2 million are unemployed, but 5 million part-time workers would prefer full-time work. What is the unemployment rate?
【多选题】在新民主主义社会中,属于资本主义的经济成分包括( )
【单选题】集成稳压器按工作方式可分为线性串联型和( )串联型。
【单选题】You are going to listen to a passage about SOHO. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1. How many new jobs were created by the segment of industry label...
【单选题】幼儿认为 “早 晨就是做早操的时候 ”,“上午是上课的时候”,这表明儿童的时间知觉是( )