【判断题】以资本利润率最大化作为企业财务管理的目标,仍然没有考虑资金时间价值和风险因素,也不能避免企业的短期行为。( )
【单选题】企业进行一项固定资产投资,已知新设备市场价格为1000万元,由于新设备扩大了生产能力,预计投产第1年的流动资产需用额100万元,同时,流动负债需用额20万元,则投产第一年的流动资金需用额为( )万元。
【单选题】《中国武术段位制系列教程》各拳种的技术元素是按照以下哪种顺序递进的( )
【简答题】A. 企业进行一项固定资产投资,已知新设备市场价格为1000万元,由于新设备扩大了生产能力,需要增加流动资产100万元,同时,预计应付账款增加20万元,则该投资垫支的营运资金为( )万元。 A.1000 B. 1080 C. 80 D. 100
【单选题】Which of the following is a sound argument?
Rain was predicted yesterday, so I took my umbrella to our outdoor rehearsal of Romeo & Juliet. It didn’t rain. To make sure it doesn’t rain during today’s rehearsal, I’ll take my umbrella with me.
You and Danny broke up the night you had dinner at Mangano’s, so don’t worry; you and Max won’t break up as long as you never go to Mangano’s!
My science teacher bases a lot of our grade on class participation. Last quarter, he said I needed to participate more. If I want a better grade this quarter, I need to take part in more class discussions.
Our washing machine is broken. The last time we had trouble with it, we hired a new repairman. He’s probably the reason the machine broke!
【单选题】– El tel é fono estar á arreglado esta tarde, como muy tarde. – A ver si es verdad.
【单选题】Which is a sound argument?
I had a dream that I got a D on my biology test, and it came true. If I want to do better next time, I need to have a more positive dream.
Beth wanted to become a better driver, so she took a driving class and studied the Motor Vehicles manual. Her driving really improved.
After a strong wind storm last October, all of the leaves were off the trees. That is when I learned that wind is what makes the leaves fall.
When Max realized he was getting a cold, he started taking Cold-Go-Awa+L8y pill. In four days, he felt much better, thanks to the Cold-Go-Away.
【单选题】以企业价值最大化作为财务管理的目标考虑了资金的时间价值但没有考虑投资的风险价值。( )