【多选题】为了稳定人民币汇率,2018年11月7日,中国人民银行在发行央票。正确的有( )。
【简答题】汽油由 从油箱中泵出,经过汽油滤清器,除去杂质及水分后,送至燃油分配管(油轨),再经各缸喷油器进入各个气缸。
【单选题】“There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.”译为“我访问过一些地方,遇到不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。”可看出汉语与英语相比,具有__________的特点。
【单选题】汽油由 从油箱中泵出,经过汽油滤清器,除去杂质及水分后,送至燃油分配管。 A B C
【判断题】土楼有圆形土楼和方形土楼之分,其中圆形土楼是客家民居的典范,传承了客家传统,其外形奇特。()There are two kinds of Tulou: round Tulou and square Tulou. Among them, the round Tulou is the model of Hakka folk house, inheriting Hakka tradition, and ...
【多选题】下列关于二叉树性质的说法正确的有:(多选)Which sentences of the followings are right about a binary tree's characterization:(There are more than one correct answers)
非空满二叉树的结点个数一定为奇数个。 The amount of nodes of a full binary tree with at least one node must be odd.
非完全二叉树也可以用像完全二叉树那样使用顺序存储结构进行存储。Sequential storing structure can also be used to store an incomplete binary tree just like to store a complete binary tree.
当一棵完全二叉树是满二叉树时,叶子结点不一定集中在最下面一层。If a complete binary tree is a full binary tree, it will be possible that leaf nodes is no t on the nethermost layer.
完全二叉树最多只有最下面的一层结点度数可以小于2。For a complete binary tree, only the degrees of nodes on the nethermost layer could be less than 2.
一棵非空二叉树的为空的外部结点数目等于其结点数加1。The amount of external null nodes in a binary tree with at least one node equals to its amount of nodes plus 1.
满二叉树的所有结点的度均为2。All degrees of nodes in a full binary tree are 2.
【单选题】The weather here has been exceptionally mild.