S1:Pan-Pan Pan-Pan Pan-Pan. New Harbour Control, New Harbour Control, New Harbour Control, New Harbour Control. This is Motor vessel Birth. Call sign Delta Alpha Mike Kilo. My position is six two degrees one one decimal eight minutes north, zero zero seven degrees four four minutes east. All of my mooring lines are broken due to strong wind. We will collide with other ships at any moment. We need a tug and a mooring boat to make fast again. Please come to assist me as soon as possible.S2:Motor vessel Birth. Pan-Pan received. This is Newharbour Control. We will send a tug assist you at once, but the line boat will come to you 15 minutes later. Please take necessary measures to avoid collision, the tug will make fast on your port side, your crew standby now. Contact me on VHF 16. Over. Q3:Due to what kind of reason is Motor Vessel Birth exposed to the risk of collision?