【简答题】Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1.大学生了解社会的必要性。 2.了解社会的途径(如电视、报纸……)。 3.我今后如何打算?
【简答题】Listen to the upcoming short talk and fill in the blanks in the summary. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful.
【简答题】World Wide Web的中文简称是 。
【简答题】In the trade of modem society the transmission of information plays as important a role as ______.
【多选题】World Wide Web的简称是()
【判断题】高龄旅游者是指80岁以上的旅游者,面对这个群体,导游人员最好、最有说服力的做法就是对他们有谦恭尊敬的态度、体贴入微的关怀、以及不辞辛苦的服务。( )
【判断题】According to the author Kalervo Oberg, getting to know the people of the host country is the way to get over culture shock as quickly as possible.
【判断题】Web 是 World Wide Web 的简称,中文译为万维网,是 Internet 上的一种 网页 。
【单选题】Do you know the ways of the transmission of ?