【单选题】患者男,78岁。因行髋关节置换术后3d,出现发热伴呼吸困难收入重症监护病房。进入ICU后,因患者呼吸窘迫伴严重低氧血症立即行气管插管,呼吸机辅助呼吸,气道内吸出大量黄脓痰。体格检查:烦躁不安,血压146/66mmHg,脉搏105/min,体温38.7℃。双肺广泛干湿啰音。腹部膨隆,肠鸣音弱。既往有高血压、糖尿病史。血常规:WBC16×10 9 /L,中性粒细胞0.88,血肌酐152μmol/L。经...
【单选题】( ) of polychlorinated biphenyl onto sea bed sediment and marine plankton was examined.
【简答题】多氯联苯(polychlorinated biphenyl,PCB):
【简答题】多氯联苯(polychlorinated biphenyls,PCB s )
【单选题】Why does the article refer to polychlorinated biphenyls?
to give an example of a product thought to be harmless that was later found to be toxic
to give an example of a product that has many uses
to explain another new technology
to give an example of a product created with nanomaterials
【简答题】Polychlorinated have already been widely used to manufacture electronic circuit boards. (biphenyl / phenyl)