【简答题】Why doesn’t the unemployment rate ever reach zero? Economists, who generally believe that supply tends to meet demand, have long thought about this question. Even in good times, i.e. not now, there ar...
【单选题】Because it is difficult for economists to use experiments to generate data, they generally must
substitute assumptions for data when data are unavailable.
rely upon hypothetical data that were previously concocted by other economists.
use whatever data the world gives them.
【简答题】层理是沉积物沉积时,波痕迁移、叠加在 1 形成的成层构造。层理由沉积物的成分、结构、颜色及层的厚度、形状等沿 2 的变化而显示出来。层理的要素有 3 、 4 、 5 。 从 “ 沉积物层内、沉积物表面、垂向、横向、层面、纹层、波痕、层系、层系组 ” 选择恰当的词语填空。
【单选题】北京烤鸭分菜服务一般是 ( ) 情况下需要。 A 、老年人多 B 、儿童多 C 、少年人多 D 、老年人多、儿童多、少年人多
【简答题】已知n阶矩阵A满足A^2+2A-3I=O(这里,I是单位矩阵,O是零矩阵),则A的逆矩阵A^(-1)= ,(A+2I)^(-1)= ,(A+4I)^(-1)= . (答案为分数时,请在英文下用类似-3A/7的形式表示,负号用短的,中间不要写乘号)
【单选题】Economists have generally found that economic growth rates have a close relation to:
communications infrastructure