【单选题】酒精在1标准大气压下的沸点是78℃。如果在 1标准大气压时,酒精的温度是78℃,则下列说法正确的是 ( )
【单选题】以下程序段执行结果是(57)。 Int s=0 i=1; Do {s+=i++;} While(i<=10); Consol
【单选题】以下程序的执行结果是 ______。 #include<iostream.h> class Sample { int x; public: Sample(){}; Sample(int a){x=a;} Sample(Sample &a){x=a.x+1;} void disp(){cout<<'x='<<x<<end1;} } void main() { Sample s1(2),s2(s1);...
【单选题】I didn't see your sister at the meeting. If she _____, she would have met my brother. [ ]
【单选题】以下程序执行结果是( ) void main() {int i=0,s=0; do{ if(i%2){i++;continue;} i++;s+=i; }while(i<7); printf("%d\n",s); }
【单选题】I didn't see your sister at the meeting. If she ______, she would have met my father. [ ]
【单选题】I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she __________, she would have met my brother.
【单选题】在10000米高度上,如果实际温度比标准大气暖,那么实际气压高度比标准大气高度( )。