【单选题】Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the following words comes from Chinese?
【单选题】若有以下说明,则对初值中字符a的引用方式为( )。 static struct { char ch; double x; char a(); }c[2] [3]={ { {'a',3.5,'bc'}, {'c',4.5,'de'}, {'m',8.6,'abc'} }, { {'d',8.5,'ic'}, {'b',5.5,'dc'}, {'n',8.6,'anc'} }};
【单选题】Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the following words comes from Chinese?
【简答题】根据汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空(共10题,每小题1分,共10分) 小题1:The quality of someone's voice and their choice of words make a person ___(立刻)recognizable, even though you can't see him or her. 小题2:Experts are ____ (确信的) that...
【简答题】利用CNKI中国博士学位论文全文数据库查询,以下哪篇论文的学位授予单位不是天津?大学( )?A. 基于蒙特卡洛模拟的复杂系统可靠性评估方法研究 B. 光子晶体光纤飞秒激光泵浦的高功率宽调谐光学参量振荡器的研究 C. 容许本原群的半对称图 D. 基于石墨烯的太赫兹波导器件的研究
【简答题】若有以下的说明,则对初值中字符'a'的引用方式为( )。static struct{ char ch; double x; char a[10];} c[2][2] = { 'a', 3.5, "bc", 'c', 4.5, "de", 'm', 8.6, "abc"};A. c.ch B. c[0][0].ch C. c[1][1].ch D. a[1]
【判断题】环境空气质量监测方案制定时应调查区域内的污染源类型、数量、位置、排放的主要污染物及 排放量调查清楚,同时了解所用原料、燃料及消耗量。
【单选题】Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the following words comes from Chinese?
【单选题】| 若有以下的说明,则对初值中字符'a'的引用方式为( )。static struct{ char ch; double x; char a[10];} c[2][2] = { 'a', 3.5, "bc", 'c', 4.5, "de", 'm', 8.6, "abc"};