【单选题】为了增加钢筋与砼的锚固能力,HPB300级钢筋两端做180°弯钩,当弯钩平直段长度为3d是,弯钩增长值为( )
【单选题】关于 overlay 网络下列说法不正确的是( )
Overlay 网络是一个建立在已有网络上的虚拟网络,逻辑节点和逻辑链路构成了 Overlay 网络
Overlay 边缘设备决定了数据报文的封装 / 解封装节点,决定了 Overlay 网络的规模
Overlay 数据平面提供提供数据封装和隧道管理功能
【单选题】“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺”出自( )。
【单选题】钢筋末端做180°弯钩,每个弯钩长度增加值为( )
【单选题】“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺。”出自( )。
【单选题】“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺”出自( )。
【多选题】Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) overlay interface is a logical multiaccess and multicast- capable interface that must be explicitly defined by the user and where the entire OTV configuration is...
When an OTV edge device receives a Layer 2 frame destined for a remote data center site, the frame is logically forwarded to the overlay interface.
The OTV edge device performs the dynamic OTV encapsulation on the Layer 2 packet and sends it to the join interface toward the routed domain.
When the OTV edge device receives a Layer 2 frame destined for a remote data center site, the frame is logically forwarded to the join interface.
The OTV edge device performs the dynamic OTV encapsulation on the Layer 2 packet and sends it to the overlay interface toward the routed domain.