【单选题】A company uses a blanket overhead absorption rate of $5 per direct labour hour.Actual overhead expenditure in a period was as budgeted. The under/over absorbed overhead account for the period have the...
Actual direct labour hours were 800 less than budgeted
Actual direct labour hours were 800 more than budgeted
Actual direct labour hours were 4,000 less than budgeted
Production overhead was over absorbed by $4,000
【简答题】妇科最常用的穿刺点是 A 麦氏点 B. 宫底下方 C. 耻骨联合上方 D. 宫腔 E.后穹窿
【单选题】In a period during which a Current Account deficit is recorded (with Reserve Assets unchanged), the country must have ( ).
had net increase in foreign liabilities
had more exports than imports
【判断题】One implication of the time period assumption is that we have to make estimates and judgments at the end of the time period to correctly decide which events need to be reported in the current time per...
【简答题】我会填 一( )牙齿 一( )骆驼 一( )老人 一( )路 一( )树叶 一( )脚印
【单选题】38~40题共用题干:小张,24岁,未婚,平常月经规律。因“停经40天,右侧腹痛伴阴道点滴状出血2天”入院。入院后查体:体温36.4°C,脉搏120次/分,血压80/50mmHg,面色苍白,表情痛苦。妇科检查:后穹隆饱满,宫颈举痛明显,子宫未检清,右侧宫旁可触及触痛明显的包快。根据患者的情况,进一步确诊最适宜的方法是( )