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上图,是任务1 灯光控制电路的电路图,在焊接上述电路之前,大家完成该电路的仿真电路搭建(在手机app做好),仿真电路中,需添加地线,只需把地线接在B点。 图中,D1和D2改为红色,D3和D4为绿色。 然后根据显示的数据填写下述问题。 注意:需填写单位。
【单选题】Which of the following is used in the naming of epithelial types?
S hape of cells in the basal layer
N umber of layers of epithelial cells
P resence of a basal lamina
S ize of the nuclei
P resence of cytokeratin
【单选题】The following are not epithelial features( ).
More cells, less stroma
Rich in blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
Have polarity
Abundant nerve endings
【简答题】The characteristics of epithelial tissue
【简答题】passage8.mp3: Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard . !pEcIYbjKAMk. 23 A.Lottery is extremely attractive. B.People all have desire to be rich. C.Humans are born to be optimis...
【多选题】How do two types of glucose transporters enable gut epithelial cells to transfer glucose across the epithelial lining of the gut?
The gut epithelial cells transport glucose from the gut lumen across the gut epithelium and, ultimately, into the blood. T he gut epithelial cells possess a glucose– Na + symport, which they can use to take up glucose from the gut lumen, even when the concentration of glucose is higher in the epithelial cell’s cytosol than it is inside the gut.
As the electrochemical gradient for Na + is so steep, when Na + moves into the cell down its gradient, glucose is, in a sense, “dragged” into the cell along with it. Because the binding of Na + and glucose is cooperative—the binding of one enhances the binding of the other—if one of the two solutes is missing, the other fails to bind .
The gut epithelial cells have two types of glucose transporters located at opposite ends of the cell. In the apical domain of the plasma membrane, which faces the gut lumen, they have the glucose–Na + symports. In the basal and lateral domains of the plasma membrane, the cells have passive glucose uniports, which release the glucose down its concentration gradient for use by other tissues.
The two types of glucose transporters are kept segregated in their proper domains of the plasma membrane by a diffusion barrier formed by a tight junction around the apex of the cell. This prevents mixing of membrane components between the two domains.
【多选题】Why is the polarity crucial for epithelial function?
The apical and basal faces of an epithelium are different: each contains a different set of molecules that reflect the polarized organization of the individual epithelial cells: each has a top and a bottom, with different properties and functions. This polarity is crucial for epithelial function.
For example, the simple columnar epithelium that lines the small intestine of a mammal. It mainly consists of two intermingled cell types: absorptive cells, which take up nutrients, and goblet cells (so called because of their shape), which secrete the mucus that protects and lubricates the gut lining. Both cell types are polarized.
The absorptive cells import food molecules from the gut lumen through their apical surface and export these molecules from their basal surface into the underlying tissues. To do this, absorptive cells require different sets of membrane transport proteins in their apical and basal plasma membranes. The goblet cells also have to be polarized, but in a different way: they have to synthesize mucus and then discharge it from their apical end only; their Golgi apparatus, secretory vesicles, and cytoskeleton are all polarized so as to bring this about.
For both types of epithelial cells, polarity depends on the junctions that the cells form with one another and with the basal lamina. These cell junctions in turn control the arrangement of an elaborate system of membrane-associated intracellular proteins that create the polarized organization of the cytoplasm.
【简答题】The noun form for epithelial is
【单选题】Which of the following statements regarding epithelial cells in the urinary system is correct?
Caudate epithelial cells originate from the upper urethra
Transitional cells originate from the upper urethra, ureters, bladder, or renal pelvis
Cells from the proximal renal tubule are usually round in shape
Squamous epithelium lines the vagina, urethra, and wall of the urinary bladder
【简答题】马拉瑟上皮剩余(Malassez epithelial rest)
【多选题】How do two types of glucose transporters enable gut epithelial cells to transfer glucose across the epithelial lining of the gut?
The gut epithelial cells transport glucose from the gut lumen across the gut epithelium and, ultimately, into the blood. T he gut epithelial cells possess a glucose– Na + symport, which they can use to take up glucose from the gut lumen, even when the concentration of glucose is higher in the epithelial cell’s cytosol than it is inside the gut.
As the electrochemical gradient for Na + is so steep, when Na + moves into the cell down its gradient, glucose is, in a sense, “dragged” into the cell along with it. Because the binding of Na + and glucose is cooperative—the binding of one enhances the binding of the other—if one of the two solutes is missing, the other fails to bind .
The gut epithelial cells have two types of glucose transporters located at opposite ends of the cell. In the apical domain of the plasma membrane, which faces the gut lumen, they have the glucose–Na + symports. In the basal and lateral domains of the plasma membrane, the cells have passive glucose uniports, which release the glucose down its concentration gradient for use by other tissues.
The two types of glucose transporters are kept segregated in their proper domains of the plasma membrane by a diffusion barrier formed by a tight junction around the apex of the cell. This prevents mixing of membrane components between the two domains.
【多选题】Why is the polarity crucial for epithelial function?
The apical and basal faces of an epithelium are different: each contains a different set of molecules that reflect the polarized organization of the individual epithelial cells: each has a top and a bottom, with different properties and functions. This polarity is crucial for epithelial function.
For example, the simple columnar epithelium that lines the small intestine of a mammal. It mainly consists of two intermingled cell types: absorptive cells, which take up nutrients, and goblet cells (so called because of their shape), which secrete the mucus that protects and lubricates the gut lining. Both cell types are polarized.
The absorptive cells import food molecules from the gut lumen through their apical surface and export these molecules from their basal surface into the underlying tissues. To do this, absorptive cells require different sets of membrane transport proteins in their apical and basal plasma membranes. The goblet cells also have to be polarized, but in a different way: they have to synthesize mucus and then discharge it from their apical end only; their Golgi apparatus, secretory vesicles, and cytoskeleton are all polarized so as to bring this about.
For both types of epithelial cells, polarity depends on the junctions that the cells form with one another and with the basal lamina. These cell junctions in turn control the arrangement of an elaborate system of membrane-associated intracellular proteins that create the polarized organization of the cytoplasm.
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