【单选题】在 , , ,3. 1415926,3. 14, 中无理数有 [ ]
【单选题】—Was the housemaster strict?—Yes. He requested that we ______ television on week nights.
【简答题】2 5 ×14× 15 28 4 5 ÷14 2 3 ÷ 1 3 × 5 7 ÷ 3 7 ( 1 3 - 1 6 )× 2 3 3÷ 3 5 - 3 5 ÷3.
【简答题】试分析图 所示的简单道岔表示电路,是否符合“故障—安全”原则 ? 为什么?
【简答题】10 21 × 12 25 5 9 ÷10 25 36 ÷ 5 12 3 4 ×14× 5 7 4 5 ÷ 2 3 ÷ 5 6 1 13 ÷ 9 13 ×3.
【简答题】计算. 836÷4×2 687÷3-190 67+14×8 984÷2÷3.
【简答题】比较大小: ______-3. 14 (用“<”或“>”或“=”连接).
【单选题】He requested that all the soldiers _____ the news secret.
【简答题】试分析下图所示的简单道岔表示电路 (1)BJ是什么类型的继电器?(无极,有极,偏极,整流,时间等) (2)图中C有何作用? (3)图中二极管有何作用? (4)是否符合“故障—安全”原则?为什么?
【单选题】He had no sooner arrived there ________ pestering his doctor.A.and then he beganB.when he beganC
34. He had no sooner arrived there ________ pestering his doctor. A.and then he began