【单选题】Which of the listed conditions can be considered as the single greatest cause of accidents?
Excessive knowledge or skill
【简答题】Which of the following-is NOT mentioned as a cause of the boating accidents?
【单选题】In Heinrich's causal chain of accidents, heredity and ( ) are regarded as the root causes of accidents.
【简答题】Have there always been similar types of hazards and accidents? Did the number of accidents increase with the Industrial Revolution? Why? Are the types of accidents increasing or decreasing? How have t...
【判断题】The first type of hazard sources determines the frequency of accidents.
【多选题】2018年8月27日,国家主席习近平在北京出席推进“一带一路”建设工作5周年座谈会时强调,共建“一带一路”顺应了全球治理体系变革的内在要求,彰显了同舟共济、权责共担的命运共同体意识,为完善全球治理体系变革提供了新思路、新方案。这说明( )。A.整个世界是相互联系的整体
【判断题】在Y、Z、A、B、C、D、E七种普通V带型号中,Y型的截面尺寸最大,E型的截面尺寸最小。( )