【单选题】C 语言中, int 类型数据占 2 个字节,则 long 类型数据占( )
【单选题】经产妇,30 岁,妊娠 38 周,阴道无痛性少量流血2日,检查枕左前位,胎头高浮,胎心 142 次/分。产后检胎膜破口距胎盘边缘 4cm,胎盘边缘有黑紫色陈旧血块。本例的最终诊断应是:
【单选题】Dr Corell heads a team of some 300 scientists who have spent the past four years investigating the matter in a process known as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA). The group, drawn from the e...
The albedo of the poles will be larger if snow melts.
the albedo of snow is larger than that of the exposed dark earth if snow melts.
More energy is needed to warm up the Arctic since the atmosphere there is thinner.
Less solar energy is lost in volatilization at the poles than at the equator.
【单选题】“土字头”和”“土字底”的长横与竖中线的关系?( )
【多选题】新购买的压力容器其附带文件至少应有( )。