【单选题】Please find out an inappropriate word in the following sentence. The fact that more and more Chinese students are studying abroad is benefit to America.
【单选题】The fact is the amusement park provides much fun to family. Is this sentence a fact ?
【单选题】在签订合同前,中标人应按照招标文件规定的担保形式、金额和履约担保格式向招标人提交履约担保,其中履约担保的金额一般约定为签订合同价的( )。
【简答题】签订合同前,中标人应按照招标文件规定的( )向招标人提交履约担保。
【简答题】签订合同前,中标人应按照招标文件规定的担保形式、金额和履约担保格式向招标人提交履约担保,一般约定履约担保的金额为签订合同价的( )。
【简答题】在签订合同前,中标人应按照招标文件规定的担保形式、金额和履约担保格式向招标人提交履约担保,其中履约担保的金额一般约定为签订合同价的( )。
【单选题】各宿舍长应排定卫生值日表;值日生每天负责拖扫地面,擦洗门窗,督促本室同学整理好个人内务;每周末宿舍全体成员大扫除一次;公寓管理站 检查宿舍卫生,定期公布检查结果(宿舍卫生检查标准评分细则由各物管部门自行制定)。
【单选题】What is the grammatical function of "that their marriages may be on the rocks" in the sentence "the fact that their marriages may be on the rocks"?
【多选题】In the spaces provided below, figure out: Sentence with the fact: ____________
1. Crime is probably one of the problems that the average citizen thinks most about.
2. Although crime can be found in suburbs and rural areas, it is more common in cities.
3. The rate of violent crime is eight times greater in our largest cities than it is in rural areas; the rate of property crimes is four times greater.
4. The greatest disparity is for robbery, which is at least forty-five times greater in large cities than in rural areas!
5. Also, the larger the city, the higher the crime rate.
6. And sub areas have lower crime rates than all but the smallest cities.