【单选题】我国是历史悠久的伟大文明古国,我国古代的四大发明:(1)造纸、(2)制火药、(3)指南针、(4)印刷术中,属于化学领域的是( )
【单选题】社会主义核心价值观中,国家层面的表述是?( )
Four great inventions,namely, compass, gunpowder, paper and printing, were ancient China‘s outstanding scientific and technological contributed to world civilization.
Four great inventions ,namely, compass, gunpower, paper and printing, were ancient China‘s outstanding scientific and technological contributed to world civilization.
Four great inventions ,namely, compass, gunpowder, paper cutting and printing, were ancient China‘s outstanding scientific and technological contributed to world civilization.
【单选题】变压器的原边绕组880匝,接在220V的交流电源上,要在副绕组得到6V电压,副绕组的匝数应是( )。
【单选题】社会主义核心价值观个人层面的内容,核心是集体主义指导下的( )。
【判断题】变压器的原边绕组 880 匝,接在 220V 的交流电源上,要在副绕组得到 6V 电压,副绕组的匝数应是 24 匝 。
【单选题】无偿向职工提供住房等资产使用的,计提折旧时涉及的会计科目是( )。