【简答题】Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12.A) He is the only boy in his family. B) He becomes tearful in wind. C) He has stopped terrible faces. D) He is his teach...
【简答题】A. They could break people's legs. B. They could sometimes terrify s. C. They could fly against a strong wind. D. They could knock people unconscious.
【简答题】Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A) He becomes tearful in wind. B) He is the only boy in his family. C) He is his teacher’s favorite student. D) He has stopped...
【单选题】[2018 高二下期末厦门市质检]2017年5月以来,我国社会消费品零售总额分月同比增长速度如图1所示。 从图1可以推断出 1 社会消费品零售总额总体呈下降趋势 2消费品价格波动影响 了市场健康发展 3消费对经济增长拉动作用明显 4消费市场总体上保持平稳增长
【简答题】Conversation Two Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A) He becomes tearful in wind. B) He is the only boy in his family. C) He is his teacher’s favorite student. ...
【单选题】对下面广告词的分析,恰当的是( )
瑞士钟表公司广告:“本公司在世界各地的维修人员闲得无聊。” ---运用反衬手法,说明瑞士钟表公司的维修人员是不太勤快,但瑞士钟表公司的产品质量十分可靠。
日本丰田汽车公司广告:“车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。” ---运用引用、对偶、夸张的手法说明产品数量多、性能好。
美国柯达公司广告:“你只需按一下快门,余下的一切由我来做。” ---运用拟人的手法说明产品的使用方便。
湖南“天仙”电扇厂广告:“实不相瞒,‘天仙’的名气是吹出来的。” ---运用双关的手法说明产品质量好。