【判断题】隐血试验期为 3 天,第 4 天开始留取粪便作隐血检查
【简答题】用2.4mol/L的H 2 SO 4 溶液配制100mL浓度为0.2mol/L的稀H 2 SO 4 ,回答下列问题: (1)需用量筒量取2.4mol/L的H 2 SO 4 溶液的体积是______mL (2)配制过程有下列几步操作: A.用10mL量筒量取所需体积的H 2 SO 4 溶液,注入烧杯中,用玻璃棒搅拌,使其混合均匀; B.将蒸馏水加入容量瓶至液面接近刻度线1cm~2cm处; C.向烧杯...
【单选题】Why do some philosophers hold the view that animals cannot have rights?
Because the idea of punishing a tiger that kills somebody is absurd.
Because it denies fights not only to animals but also to some people.
Because people are always objected to social contracts.
Because rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.
【单选题】Which fallacy is at work in the following? "Before you go getting all excited about the ancient Greek ideal of leisure and learning, remember that it was built on the backs of slaves. How do you think...
【多选题】袁某代表所在公安机关,对殴打公民乙的公民甲处以拘留 5日的处罚。在本案中,下列何项可能属于行政法律关系( )。
【简答题】某触发器的特性表如下表所示,则该触发器为( )触发器。