【判断题】Yue dialect cannot be used as the main language of business, media and government in Macau.
【单选题】湖北某中外合资机械制造企业,为增值税-般纳税人,2011年1月注册成立,2011年企业有关经营资料如下: (1)取得产品销售收入2300万元,股票发行溢价收入150万元,国库券利息收入50万元。 (2)产品销售成本1100万元,销售费用450万元(含业务宣传费200万元);财务费用220万元,其中向银行借款500万元用于建造厂房,期限1年,当年向银行支付的3个季度的借款利息22.5万元全部计人财务...
【简答题】A.Because they didn't understand their language. B.Because they saw them as a source of threat to their jobs. C.Because their culture was very different from theirs. D.Because they had very different ...
【单选题】辩证的否定,是指通过事物内部矛盾而进行的自我否定。据此定义,作为辩证否定的“扬弃”是指( )
【判断题】Yue dialect cannot be used as the main language of business, media and government in Macau.
【单选题】_____ Sun Yue has been selected into the L.A.Lakers(湖人队), he might as well make full use of the chance. A. After