【简答题】发送端发送能够纠正错误的码,接收端收到解码之后,不仅可以发现错误,而且能够判断错误码元所在的位置,并自动纠正,这种差错控制方式是()。 A. 前向纠错方式(FEC) B.混合纠错方式(HEC) C.检错重发方式(ARQ) D.其它的差错控制方式
【单选题】发送端发送能够纠正错误的码,接收端收到解码之后,不仅可以发现错误, 而且能够判断错误码元所在的位置,并自动纠正,这种差错控制方式是()。
【单选题】According to Paragraph 1 and 2, we can summarize that______.
Foxconn is a manufacturer of great significance to China
soaring wages has imposed a widespread impact on foreign companies
China will always boast a very impressive price advantage around the globe
Foxconn's rising wage is just an one-sided case in China
【单选题】A manufacturer's rep can sell one single product line, or can sell for non-competing companies (also known as "principals"). What would be the main advantage for the manufacturer's rep of selling mult...
The manufacturer's rep would then become a "one-stop shop" for that industry, and would be able to leverage interest in one product line to sell more of others to the same customers.
The manufacturer's rep would sell fewer of each type of product but more products overall, thereby carrying less risk if the economy starts to soften.
The principals would give the manufacturer's rep a higher commission because the rep was carrying products from multiple principals, and they would feel the need to compete with each other for the rep's loyalty.
The principals would monitor the manufacturer's rep's sales closely to make sure the rep was not selling more of other product lines and neglecting theirs.
The principals would be able to sell their product through many different manufacturer's reps in the same geographic area.
【单选题】The problem is that the loss of confidence among the soldiers can be highly$amp The sales manager was so adamant about her idea that it was out of the question for any one to talk her out of it.
【简答题】一块长方形地,长50米,宽20米,把它画在比例尺 1 1000 的图纸上,长应画______厘米,宽应画______厘米.
【简答题】上海水务部门某日发布消息称,受长江口咸潮(又称海水上溯或入侵,当淡水河流量不足,令海水倒灌,咸淡水混合造成河道水体变咸,即形成咸潮,是一种天然水文现象)入侵的影响,上海市陈行水库、青草沙水库取水口,氯化物浓度持续超过250毫克/升(国家地表水标准),最高超过3000毫克/升。下图为上海市主要水源地及咸潮入侵路线图。表1为三峡建坝前后长江安徽大通水文站流量变化统计表。据此完成下列问题。 表 典型年 ...
【判断题】Marks & Spencer is a manufacturer and retailer of health products.
【简答题】右为世界某区域等压线分布图,已知X>Y,回答问题。 (1)图示季节,我国黄河科考站的昼夜状况如何?此时黄河的水文特点怎样? (2)图中A地平均年降水量为11000mm,B地平均年降水量在500mm以下。试分析两地降水差异的原因。 (3)甲、乙两个半岛地形上有何不同?农业生产上有何相同点? (4)图示区域自然灾害有何特征?