【单选题】When will construction start?
【单选题】When we visited the place, work on the construction site was at full ______ and all the workers seemed to be working very hard.
【单选题】When it _____ air pollution, Beijing faces the 3 'C' s: cars, coal and construction, which lead to Beijing's serious air pollution. [ ]
【简答题】A.They stopped using bricks in their future construction. B.They always used steel when building buildings. C.Buildings got higher in Chicago. D.Jenny became rich by his discovery.
【单选题】When the winter _____ , all the construction works in northern China have to be stopped .
【单选题】2013年11月,习近平总书记视察山东时把沂蒙精神内涵概括为( )
【单选题】习近平总书记把 _______ 概括为开天辟地、敢为人先的首创精神,坚定理想、百折不挠的奋斗精神,立党为公、忠诚为民的奉献精神。